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Thread: How would i go about adding outputs

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  1. #1
    elbongo's Avatar

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    How would i go about adding outputs

    I was wondering if anyone out here on the interweb could help me figure out my problem.

    i play a build server on hl2dm quit often and want to attach an entity to a prop. say for instance I want to attach a point_tesla to a melon with the tesla only going off when the melon is punted or broken, can someone give me an example of how to do this. thanks a bunch

  2. #2
    Drunken F00l's Avatar

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    SourceOP Thread

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    I don't know all the inputs and outputs of the entities, but you can do something like:

    e_fire AddOutput "OnBreak tesla,fire"

    This assumes you are running SourceOP. If not, replace e_fire with ent_fire but you will have to have sv_cheats. If it doesn't work for you, let me know and I will double-check the syntax.

  3. #3
    elbongo's Avatar

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    thanks man, i work alot with hammer so i know quite a bit about how entities work so with this info i should be able to make some pimp stuff. i see problems tho, first off that does not create the tesla, just give an output, maybe i wasn't specific enough, i need to make a tesla beam, parent it to the melon, and have to activate when the melon is broke which the line of code you gave me look like it will do the last part fine. any more help??

    also it is a sourceop server so it would be e_fire

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