You know, trolling is a subtle art. It is not in the amount insults you can pack into an end game all talk sequence, nor is it yelling so that no one else can be heard. It has cadence and flow with a snippet of irony. If you, the troll, are insulting a player with less points, it just makes you look like the douche that you are. Clearly, why would a superior player need the ego-stroking of putting down an inferior one (unless said former player is actually slightly insecure). Could it be that the superior player only pits themselves against players they know they can beat? Have they reached a point where their peers possess powerful skills and the troll simply can't compete? Or is the next level just buried, slightly latent, and within reach after a sedative?

Maybe it's none of this at all, and in truth, I am trolling all the same with a concurrent level of success; that is to say, none.

Just some food for thought...all you halfwitstupidchickenfuckingassbastardwhoremongers. ..

Cheers and Jeers.

Edit: Incidentally enough, I am actually referring to the in-game antics of some players. We have some good, fair play trolls, and some atrociously juvenile dunderheads that give trolling a bad name. I wasn't even thinking about forum trolls...that's a whole 'nother ball-game; I'll leave that to you professionals.