On the other end of the trading spectrum, it can be VERY annoying to deal with people who say they want a certain unusual but want to pay below current offers. Many of the resellers/promo owners are very irritated and annoying people to deal with. Alot of them you know for sure they will do nothing but resell the unusual for sure.

10 minutes later after your sale you see your unusual back on the market and they're asking for more. AND GOD FORBID you don't offer buyout. They will act as though you just called they're mother a four letter word. Ofcourse, this is cuz the're worried they wont get the buds back and many times spend more time than its worth to achieve profit.

Many of these promo owners also can be freakin maddening cuz they'll come in and try to convince you that they're giving you a once in a lifetime offer even though another c/o is actually worth more if you took the unusual and sweets.

At the end of all this, you have everyone hating everyone. Sellers calling everyone freaking lowball scammers and the buyers raging at highballling p.o.s.

TL;DR version: Theres 2 sides to the story and your loyalties will vary based on whether your on the red team or the blue one. Unless you're autobalanced.