Quote Originally Posted by WombRaider
Quote Originally Posted by Ligerwing
Quote Originally Posted by WombRaider
in that case the items will be more valuable and there wont be as much gay trading subculture bullshit in dota, which I am absolutely OK with
Unlikely, given there's nothing that you can't buy as far as I know. And even then, everything is cheap enough that there would never be an economy on a scale or magnitude even approaching that of TF2.
unusuals and stranges are in dota2

additionally, the sheer volume of total items in tf2 and the fact that you can actually idle for your weekly quote automatically depreciates their value.

you clearly have no idea what you're talking about
The original poster used that same point to increase their value. Which one of you is right then? And everything I said was wrong? Tell me, do you play Dota 2 zoomed all the way so you can see that shiny amulet? No? Didn't think so. And are most TF2 traders hardcore or competitive players? Why should Dota 2 be any different? I'd like to see an actual argument instead of you tossing out accusations without providing any useful points.