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Why don't you guys just send each other PMs?
Back on topic. Dota 2 will be a very different market than TF2. If you want to argue which is the largest virtual economy, the Sims wins hands down, followed by Second Life, tertiary is Frequent Flier miles, then Team Fortress 2, and then an intercontinental shelf that going to fall into the ocean any day now.
The difference is, Team Fortress 2 has large, obnoxious vanities and Dota 2 is going to be more of the status aspect of it. Compared to playing six hours of mindless FPS and getting a hat plus twelve random items, Dota 2 is a cruel bitch when it comes to establishing a good team, and having a good record. Those tiny items will be much harder to come by, but they are so insignificant and there is already a verifiable scorecard on your profile.
It is nice to have an increasing collection of noobs to farm in Dota 2 for match wins. Those are the Festive Stranges.