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AKA "Major Rager"
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Originally Posted by TRONLEGACY
He isn't stupid or fat.
1/10 for getting me to reply.
from where you are from the Heavy is representative of the average citizen, so why would you think he is fat and stupid, its the norm over there: obese and obsessed with sandwiches and chocolate, has a very low IQ, and loves guns.Originally Posted by Adder
AKA "Major Rager"
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Originally Posted by TRONLEGACY
Actually heavy presents with moments of intelligence, being able to recall specific technical facts about his weapons with ease. I would say he presents with an autism-spectrum disorder, which isn't indicative of a low IQ.
Unless you're going by his speaking skills in which English is obviously not his first language.
He also has an incredible amount of muscle mass, which means he requires a high calorie intake, which causes a preoccupation with food.
Also consider the fact that MOST first-world countries have an obesity rate over 60%, which isn't much lower than America's.
Heavy is bulky and crazy not stupid he fits the Russian stereotype perfectly
LOL Based solely on his characteristics, I personally think he should of been Canadian:Originally Posted by GCoin
- He's fat. Argue all you want but this is factored by his overweight appearance, his insatiable appetite for sandwiches, chocolate and fish cake.
- He takes advantage of the health care system without ever having to pay a dime. I can't remember when the last time a heavy gave me a sandwich as I was healing him.
- He's lazy. This is proven by the fact that a heavy will always chose to use a teleporter rather than run. Yes, you can say this is for game play advantage, but how is this the case when you are on a small map like 2fort, turbine etc.
- His lack of understanding the English language. If any one butchers the English language more than Russians, it's the French-Canadians in the Montreal area. Look at the Medic and Spy, they have accents too but they don't butcher the language.
-This topic is retarded but I'm bored sitting around waiting in the lobby at my Dentist's office, so ehh.
Stop playing on 2fort and play on valvemaps1 like the pros.Originally Posted by peteyM3
oh hey guys look at this indoctrinated eurotard spewing out anti-american bullshit and thinking it's edgy
The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.
I don't understand why this isn't in the Flame Bucket by now.
1- said the americanOriginally Posted by WombRaider
2- to the Englishman
3- its just facts
4- it made you edgy apparently
AKA "Major Rager"
rep thread:
Originally Posted by TRONLEGACY