My life is complete.Originally Posted by WombRaider
My life is complete.Originally Posted by WombRaider
wow wtf d00dOriginally Posted by oiyatat
Pointless comment is pointless.Originally Posted by Snack
why does that keep coming from youOriginally Posted by oiyatat
this whole thread has no purpose. well except saying that the heavys a fat phuck, but yea hes no american, and that aint muscle, wombraider doesnt know gcoin and versi versa, and if someones richer and gets more sex than you. who gives a fuck, get a life ffs.
i find it humerous, that is all,
not sure if trolling...Originally Posted by serialjoe
This thread, haha
its not trolling, its my opinion on how this thread as derailed. :P and just the idea of discussing the bodyfat or muscularity of the heavy is a lol moment, that is all
I just have 2 questions for you joe...Originally Posted by serialjoe
Why do you end 90% of your comments end with that is all?
And do you ever proof read your comments before posting them?
The Heavy is bald, and constantly out of ammunition. Sounds like a Ruskie to me.