I'd be interested. Send out a notifier through the sourceop group to get more people interested.
I'd be interested. Send out a notifier through the sourceop group to get more people interested.
I'll make an event when we get a date set.
Cool. I'm down for Saturday night as I would believe it would be easier on everyone this way (which would be exactly 7 days from this post). We could have a vote though or something.Originally Posted by Drunken_F00l
I can make saturday night.
I may be able to make it on Saturday.
save cyberpunk...i would definatly be down if it were just these, but the reason people don't play custom maps seriously is because you can't play mario kart seriously, plus its an extremely lame map regardless. i would voteOriginally Posted by avy
ctf_convoy (not that great, but if played seriously, is a lot of fun)
cp_station (if you add station i am 100% down for playing)
and of course
Saturday nights/Sunday afternoons only for me.
Did we settle on a date/time?
Saturday nights are bad for me and, I imagine, a bunch of other alcoholics.
Saturday afternoons are prime for me, but whatever, I'll try to be there anytime.
It's Saturday morning for me as I make this post (10:31am)
We need to hurry up and make a time for tonight or just all get on at the same time later. I suggest an early time of 6pm (my time) which would be exactly 7 hours and 30 mins from this post.