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I'd honestly say sniper, being able to take down an entire team from a distance is just godlike.
Snipers are faggots and should be removed from all online games.
All they do is destroy fun.
Seriously who thought that a long ranged weapon that can instakill EVERYBODY even a overhealed heavy is a good idea? It may make sense in real life. You only have one life and don't want to risk it by running around with a pistol on the battlefield. But this is a game. Dying is not that big of a deal. A sniper is basicly uncounterable. You can dodge the rocket of a soldier spamming one from a far. A guy shooting you with a pistol from afar will do barely any damage.
You are at an disadvantage when fighting him. He has a hitscan long range weapon with zero falloff and damage that ranges from 50-450(even more with the machina) while all your weapons have falloff, are slow or have spread. The only real counter is distraction, avoiding him or jumping around like an idiot hoping he is not good enough. Since tf2 doesn't have fog a sniper can control an very big area alone. Unproportionaly bigger than the other classes.
The worst thing is if a sniper kills you while you are fighting someone else. Even worse if its a fucking bodyshot.
Getting instantly killed by someone from afar IS NOT FUN. Sniper players are faggots who only care about winning and their k/d ratio. Not fun. Do snipers require skill? Yes they do. Are snipers useful? Yes they are. Is it fun to play against them? Absolutely not.
TL;DR Fuck snipers. Go back to call of duty.