Jan 02, 2009, 03:57 AM
Personally, I don't care about stacking and I never care which team I'm on.
However, since I hear this complaint virtually every day, I would like to point out something about Goldrush. These players do not always intentionally stack an entire team. True, there are some players that "stack" because they want to play with their friends/the familiar faces they see every day.
However, when the stackage becomes especially one-sided on Goldrush, it's usually because the regulars stay for an entire cycle of the map (3hrs). Other people pop in and out during the course of the rotation but few for as long as the "regulars" who play all day.
By the end of the cycle, you have most of the people who have been on the longest with massive points ahead of everyone else, and usually all on one team.
So it's typical on a 24-hour server to see one side over-balanced against the other team. This doesn't just apply to SourceOP but to any 24-hour map that doesn't have forced team shuffles.
This doesn't happen so much on servers with multiple map rotations because each time the map changes, the teams reset.