true... since I plalyed there for 30 min once...
true... since I plalyed there for 30 min once...
try jetpack then use there speedburst command makes u go really fast
still there's no doubt sourceop jetpack is better
a few things
sorry for "insulting" yaypit but I still believe it's not anywhere close to
being a good server.
I don't think anyone really cares how many commands you have
on your server. You might have 100000000 fun commands but it can still
be a BAD server and yaypit really is a BAD server.
There's many reasons but I will just provide one reason.
A good server attracts players. Yaypit's rank on is
43 and sourceop is 37. Sourceop's rank is just a little bit higher and yaypit
and this difference really can't be a good reason but considering the
server size (10 vs 20), sourceop is doing a lot better job attracting
players. If you had those "commands" even before sourceop, how come
there aren't 10 players playing on the server 24/7? Obviously
you don't know how to attract players no matter what you say how good
your server is. Here's another example that's related to this one.
I made a server a few weeks ago. There's players playing on my server
almost 24/7. My server's rank on was around 10,000
at the start, but only after a few weeks, it's now around 50.
I'm pretty sure yaypit started WAY before my server but it's only
7 ranks higher than mine, but I can promise and gurantee you that by the
end of March, my server's rank will exceed your server's rank by 10
at least. This is when you can brag about your server.
Your post is basically advertising yaypit here. It's disguised but I can
see through your mask. How unprofessional is that? Advertising your
server on a different sever's website forum? I understand that you just
had to write a page long essay after reading a post, which I wrote, talking
shit about your server but you didn't have to advertise your server here.
You already listed the commands used in your server. That's already a
strong suggestion that you want people who view this post to visit yaypit
whether you agree or not. oh wait another thing.
Unlike the secretly hidden "codes" used in yaypit which can only be
seen in yaypit and one other server, DF released sourceop, letting
everyone to share his mods. There's the big difference and the reason
why your server isn't worth much talking about here.
Hi, I wanted to step in and talk with you directly because I don't feel we're being fairly represented here.
First of all, we don't mean to advertise, Magnetic Llama actually deleted his post when I pointed out to him that it looks a little cocky. I understand how annoying and downright rude it is to advertise other servers, so I apologize on behalf of the yaypit if that's what it looks like.
Secondly, we're not here to compete. The sole reason we run the server is in hopes that those who do enjoy playing on it have a good time. I have difficulty caring about what rank we are. If you don't enjoy playing on our server, you have full freedom to not join it, but I ask that you don't spread a negative image of us. Again, it is not our intention to prove superiority to anyone, we're just providing a place to play for those who are into the same gameplay we are.
that's what I was donig?Originally Posted by Baron
who started this thread?
speedy did not me
do you see any other thread I created that talks shit about yaypit?
I just decided to write my own opinion on yaypit under speedy's thread
Umm Speedy did not create this thread. It was done by Issues and he was only asking what the YayPit was all about. I don't know why you are so quick to place blame, just because you got accused of something.
yeah I just got confusedOriginally Posted by Issues
I wasn't trying to blame it on speedy
I still talk to him on a regular basis on MSN and we are friends![]()
and Naq you should stop blaming things on me too![]()
umm sure. ok. right... whatever. and I didn't blame anything on you.