Instead of having just just +grabent and ent gun maybe a ent moving system like AVC had would be nice .
Instead of having just just +grabent and ent gun maybe a ent moving system like AVC had would be nice .
What is AVC?
I dont know what he means either,
that was a mod for tfc
Well then what did it do?
I believe it was used on The Sillyzone server. Avatar-X used the AVC/SAC on that server. Hope I can mention that....... Sorry if not
yeah exactly
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Yes ent mod i love that i used it on sven coop
edit - I WAS WRONG: Most of what's between the edit signs is invalid.
He wants a system of Grabbing objects with a bind/firebutton and dragging them around. You would be able to grab Func_Walls Func_detail Prop_Physics prop_dynamics NPCs and even players. It's generally used for Building things. I could be mistaken, but I don't believe SourceOp has the building system that AdminOp had. There's no entity copying, rotating and moving (at this time.) I'm assuming DF will eventually include these functions that existed in AdminOp.
SourceOp currently HAS pretty much everything I said it didn't. It even has an Entmover. Though I'm pretty sure it's not as flashy as AVCs was. The command is called Grabent. Not a seperate weapon like there was in TFC. It's hard to add weapons in HL2DM because there's not extra weapon slots as there was in HL games. So... I guess you'd have to ask DF about having an "Entmover" weapon, but I'm guessing not. Though........ there is one unused weapon slot in HL2DM - Bugbait.
I don't think you can add weapons in hl2 with serverside mods like in tfc... you'd have to make something like Gmod.