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And i just realised the 2 links i added in earlier are the same laptop, different prices though lol
Haha didn't spot that either
That laptop looks pretty damn good if you ask me, 5400RPM (mid speed but good enough, if you can get faster clocking do but would prob cost you), 1.5g graphics card, 8gb mem possible, personally not a fan of NVIDIA, but seems to be a pretty good card imo. I7 is really nice too, I'm running I5 and its still good for gaming (my lappy is about 2 years old now and runs games like a boss lol).
Heh you are also getting dual SATA drives which is good, even tho SSD's are by far the way to go. Hey I like the look of this laptop 
Just bear in mind a couple of things, you really want to check the casing out as the major issue's with laptops is cooling and circulation. You can get some pretty damn good specced laptop only to find that it overheats like a bitch and you are screwed lol. The other thing is to do a bit of research into it online, I did loads when I was buying mine to see what people said, in the end i picked a lappy that a lot of ppl said was shit and alot of others said was the best out there, but hey at least I got a fair run down of what people thought was right / wrong with it. Oh yeah one last thing, don't believe all the haters..... lots of people have no fucking clue whatsoever about PCs or Laptops and will literally spew shit about "whats wrong with it and how it is so shit because it had this issue (which is the user's fault for bad maintenance or w/e) or blah blah". There are a hell of a lot of laptop haters out there who insist that you can't game on one, and will literally troll forums posting along the same lines. 
/wave @ mikey also