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Originally Posted by
Having played it a bit and from what I have heard. The game has been dumbed down a lot, which is something that irks me. I'll play more tomorrow, but, it seems they took out a lot of the complexity with the removal of talent trees.
As someone that never used the talent trees that much, I don't mourn their loss. The new system is simple enough. What I do mourn is the loss of sockets and gems.
They both simplified the concept of sockets and made it entirely too complex at the same time. It's a nice enough game, but all it really does is get me excited for Torchlight 2.
Though I will say I swore I only played for like an hour, but looked up and 3.5 had gone by.

Originally Posted by
Dopp, I was just in Phoenix the other week with a bud watching the A's and Reds Spring Training. I'm stationed in Tucson.
Good times, it's shocking the number of SourceOP regulars that come from AZ (game servers anyway). I think last count was 10 just from valve maps 1? Though I forget if Duplex moved back, and I heard Colostomizer moved away.