we need titties and violence and drug references, atleast that for 800$, i mean cmon, thats expensive for no tattas or boozen fun
we need titties and violence and drug references, atleast that for 800$, i mean cmon, thats expensive for no tattas or boozen fun
^^^ lol
I was watching a mate of mine play the other day and his wife got old so we decided to build a small room in the back fitted with 4 fire places and pot plants infront of them... we invited her in and removed the doors lol she didn't last long.
I became in billionaire in Sims 3. lol.
How long they complained isn't really the point. Ubisoft seems to think their sales went down so drastically because of pirates. Ubisoft constantly pisses and moans that they do not make x amount of money, "CUZ PIRAETS".Originally Posted by hamie96
I find it hard to believe that EA is worthy of the coveted "Worst Company" title when Ubisoft may as well not have PR desk. I think everytime you ring up Ubisoft you should get a message specially from the CEO that tells you to go fuck yourself if you don't own a console.
It baffles me that a company can be this fucking stupid. And Ubisoft does all of this idiocy, and then EA wins the worst company award, because, "MASS EFFEECT 3 ENDING SUX."
Fuck me, at least EA doesn't screw you right out of the gate, and while you play, and when you quit, and when you purchase the game.
I was a commando you know.
Activision is the worst company by far.
I don't know, most big companies suck just as much.
EA ruins every company they abjectly absorb.
UbiSoft and Activision fuck up every PC port they try and make and then blame piracy for shitty sales.
I really don't care how many call of duties they sell, they ruined the Crash Bandicoot series.
But ubisoft has the motto: If somebody else is selling then try and copy it several times.Originally Posted by hamie96