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Can't say that greed is my vice. I manage pretty well. However, intolerance for rudeness probably has. I have passed up some well priced items because the owner of the item wants to act like I'm bothering him when HE posted his item for sale.
*I send trade request to xyz*
*trade accepted*
*trade has been canceled*
*xyz in server*
xyz: WTF tasty? Send me trade again
tasty: nm
What do these people think I want to ask them, their view of the candidates for president?! Your in a damn trade server, take a guess. Also after awhile negotiating, I get irritated and start not to care what they're selling, even if it costs me.
I usually try to advise my friends against greed usually though. Many people think that since swordgruntz typed their unusual is 4.5 or whatever, that "that" is the price. I tell my friend, especially if they got duped one for like 2 buds, that just take the 3 bud+sweets offer. I really believe that if you got some profit, you don't need to take it to buyout unless you got some God or Jesus tier unusual. Time is money. Spending everyday for 4 hours for 2 weeks for an additional bud is actually NOT worth it. So yeah, sometimes I say just quicksell your crap cuz you got ur profit, dont push it. Yeah Y3ll0W, I'm talking to you
I believe in many small profits vs waiting around for one slightly larger one.
tl;dr version: I will cancel a trade if you're rude; Time is money, dont spend forever trying to get buyout on your low-mid demand unusual. Y3ll0W is my padawan