I've never done that, ever, and I've had no problems with Steam.Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
I've never done that, ever, and I've had no problems with Steam.Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
It looks suspicious and they ban you for looking suspicious if ANYBODY reports you. Anybody can report you anonymously, even if they've never traded with you, so if you do it a lot and when they see it they basically auto-ban you if somebody wants to be a dick.
I read that someone reported a tf2wh bot...Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
Rep Thread: http://goo.gl/b3l5o
Bitcoins Store: http://goo.gl/7lpPd
Bitcoins Guide: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/b...ack-risk.4252/
Keep this going guys, there ain't anything funny on my reddit feed atm.
Assuming Reddit is capable of producing anything funny.Originally Posted by Kikwit
I was a commando you know.
Did you send them one of those angry letters?
what u talking about, u cant stop the cat posts, its just unstoppable, and reddit is boring as hell, atleast go to 4chan ull have more fun,