ok, i need to vent.

i work at a new technical site. i was a wave1 employee (i was there on the day they opened the building up, (before desks computers chairs and even my trainers arrived) and was in the first wave of promotions to Tier2.

and that seems to be where im stuck, which is ridiculous, as I have years of experience, and am being far underutilized. just today 4 of my teammates were promoted off the floor (level2) to lead positions (mini supervisor type of position.) and im not trying to be mean, im really happy for them, but i simply deserve it more. one of the new leads has a slayer tattoo on her leg, if that tells you anything. nice girl, bad decision making ability.

everyone has been kissing ass like crazy, networking with fury, around the center for the last two months, so i decided to NOT kiss ass, as a form of kissing ass since everyone else was blatantly ass kissing and thusly a thousand times more annoying then they already are. apparently that didnt work, so now i need to become the biggest kiss ass ever.

im sure im not the first person to feel this way. in fact, im sure im not the only person at my site who feels this way. it's just annoying.