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Re: Unauthorized Use of NBC Universal Properties Notice ID: 14-4685109
21 Apr 2006 03:10:13 GMT
Dear Sir or Madam:
Please be advised that NBC Universal and/or its subsidiary and affiliated companies (collectively, NBC Universal) are the owners of exclusive rights protected under copyright law and other intellectual property rights in many motion pictures and television programs, including the title(s) listed below (the NBC Universal Properties). NBC Universal diligently enforces its rights in its motion pictures.
Note: If your email program has inserted line breaks into either the email or web links above, you can copy and paste the entire link in to you email program, or favorite web browser, respectively.
Very truly yours,
Aaron Markham
Director of Internet Anti-Piracy,
Worldwide Anti-Piracy Operations
100 Universal City Plaza 1220/2
Universal City, CA 91608
tel. (81

fax (81

*pgp public key is available on the key server at ldap://keyserver.pgp.com
** For any correspondence regarding this case, please send your emails to
antipiracy@unistudios.com and refer to Notice ID: 14-4685109. If you need immediate assistance or if you have general questions please call the number listed above.
Title: King Kong
Infringement Source: BitTorrent
Initial Infringement Timestamp: 21 Apr 2006 01:56:10 GMT Recent Infringment Timestamp: 21 Apr 2006 01:56:10 GMT Infringer Username:
Infringing Filename: King.Kong[2005]DvDrip.AC3[Eng]-aXXo
Infringing Filesize: 1468020017