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They may trade ban an account but it takes them seconds to look and find alts, and no bans on them, makes me mad. Its not just for money for items sales but major problem users such as OG or WENJ or SW, account hijackers or anyone who charges 400$ in keys on a new account and backcharges valve or alike. I see your point that its a business decision and cheaper not to from their point of view but I do still think the costs are justifiable for the time wasted by regular support and the headaches it causes its users.
Helpdesk agent average starting: 15 an hour.
Slightly technical agent starting: 12 an hour.
Throw in benefits, facility costs and management overhead, you're looking at actual of around 20 and 17 an hour (for this, since its account management, you really want them to be employees instead of contractors, even if that would save cash). Either work, just depends on the scoped out support they'll be required to give.
Assuming a 12 minute handle time for each request, with a agent utilization of around 40% (average for a slightly mature service desk, which this can mirror), you're looking at around 16-20 reports a day they can resolve, per agent. Not knowing their volumes, it'd probably be something like, at most, 600 a day (if you include, say, VAC inquiries), m-f. If you keep a 24/5ish staff (not needed, but not a horrible idea), you'd need about 20 agents, 1 manager (or if it falls under their customer service management, 3 supervisors) and two-three leads. Management cost of lets say 40 an hour with all the stuff factored in (so 75k a year salary), and two leads costing lets say 26 an hour.
If my volumes are off, drop it to 10 agents, 1 lead, one manager.
In either case, the costs of running that department per year? Probably as much as half of what they'd make if they released a $20 paint that could give a selected hat a random (of a predetermined list) unusual effect.
Cost is not an issue for Valve here. It's a matter of they're a software company, an R&D company, not an IT company/customer service organization. I've built up three service desks in three countries averaging 18-30k customer contacts per month each - it ain't easy. They could do it, but it's not in their wheelhouse.
(note to DF if you're reading: I can maintain SLA's of 12 hour turnaround, 85% customer satisfaction and your car washed every weekend should you think about recommending me for this fictitious job I just made up, k thx).