Hallo, im selling 9 of my amazing unusuals.
Check them out and contact me!
SteamID: Disco_Stu_
SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:4027704
REP>ID64>BP: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197968321137/
1. Scammers and privat steamprofiles will be ignored
2. You must have a Rep
3. Paypalbuyers pay the fees
Blizzard Drillhat B/O 200$
Blizzard Tossle B/O 400$
Blizzard Ushanka B/O 400$
Flies Raincatcher 30$
Ghost Ze Googles B/O 400$
Green e Modest B/O 350$
Purple e Headpiece B/O 50$
Scorching f Tricorne B/O 150€
Sunbeams Crown B/O 200$