OK, so I've decided how everything will be set up except for team sizes.
All teams from a specific server will play each other to determine the best on that server. The best teams from each server will play to determine the overall winning team. For fun, the second best teams will all play each other, third best, and so on.
Teams will be able to register on this website when the time comes for it. Free agents will also be able to register and teams can select free agents. Team registration will have its own page and will not be done through the forums.
The only thing left is will it be 6v6 like 1time has proposed or 9v9 where there is one of each class like FrosT originally proposed. Vote for which you would like.
6v6 Pros and Cons
Less spammy
Class selection limited and usually ends up something like 2 scouts, 2 soliders, 1 medic, and 1 demo.
9v9 Pros and Cons
More diverse class selection
Harder to get nine people together at same time
Strict class limits (1 of each per team) means certain classes are going to have harder time finding teams (i.e. if everyone wants to be demoman, lots of players are going to be left out or forced to play a class nobody else wants to be).
Feel free to post comments you want to add to this list.