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Thread: BLACKENED'S BACKPACK (cont...)

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by enVy
    Umm, piggy, can you please add me as I'm missing 2 precious hats

    (Also to anyone else if Piggy doesn't respond, can you please explain the situation as I was using pigsta because we are friends and he is an admin, then the whole hijacking thing happened.)
    My account got hijacked man, look me up on SR.


    I'll give em back for sure once everything is in order and I actually have an account. I'm trying to make an alt, but stupid steam won't let me check out when I try to purchase a game.
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteyM3
    We all know beef is retarded, that's not even a discussion.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by piggy
    Quote Originally Posted by enVy
    Umm, piggy, can you please add me as I'm missing 2 precious hats

    (Also to anyone else if Piggy doesn't respond, can you please explain the situation as I was using pigsta because we are friends and he is an admin, then the whole hijacking thing happened.)
    My account got hijacked man, look me up on SR.


    I'll give em back for sure once everything is in order, and I actually have an account. I'm trying to make an alt, but stupid steam won't let me check out when I try to purchase a game.
    That response gave me a ton of relief, while you're one of my best tf2 trader friends, I still couldn't dismiss you faking the hack. Either way, good luck, and add me my pigga.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by TRUNK_SLAMCHEST
    EDIT: and whos alt account is this:
    steamID: last stand @ never fail
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:49885922

    3 scammers as friends

    is alt of rayzzor

  4. #24
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    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: blacky is actually a pretty cool dude man, scorp is the biggest shark in tf2 history lol and this is coming from a 'big time' shark >.>
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: No
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: 20+ unusuals a day
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: proofs?
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: Blasters shit
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: its all in the Sop threads
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: and scorp was worse trust me lol
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: no way
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: at least he doesnt lie about it
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: and own a huge community
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: and have a group of circlejerkers
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: hes a hypocrite sure
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: but he didnt create a shark tool
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: pssst you do know who created the first unusual search right?
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: Scorp yeah
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: but he didnt include
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: no lol
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: drunken f00l
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: an 'hours' meter
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: and did he shark?
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: lol
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: was he rich?
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: yup
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: Nowai
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: he fucked valve over even
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: You lie
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: lol
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: He fucked valve over
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: and created a huge community
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: um he found the algorithm to get golden wrenches
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: of close knit traders
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: he did
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: yes
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: yea
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: but that didnt hurt anyone
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: that was just some trollin
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: um, still and he created that search
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: but didnt include an hours
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: also
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: or 'if unboxed'
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: black wasnt the first
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: lol
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: He's still a nigger
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: who should die
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: black didnt even make it
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: first doesnt matter
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: bo0m did
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: Down with boom too
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: Boom isnt the one people are hating on
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: gladosdan
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: Point is
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: blackened let it pass through his community
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: advertised it
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: helped people shark
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: made a tool EXPRESSLY for sharking
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: for a pure buisness standpoint obviosly
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: hes making money off the valve database
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: and helping people shark
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: as the leader of a community, thats shady as fuck
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: lol we are all making movey off all this lol
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: hes making money off other people sharking
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: why are you so desperate to defend him
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: and drunken f00l isnt?
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: yes
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: drunken fool isnt
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: um lol he is
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: No, he isnt
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: he is running a seach
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: sure
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: $5 a month
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: hes running a search
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: the problem with that
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: is that it doesnt have an hours function
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: so you can shark noobs directly
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: or an 'if unboxed' so you dont get caught
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: but it has a profile button
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: simple as that
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: so what
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: Its main purpose isnt shasrking
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: sharking
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: its quite genius for black to do this from a buisness stand point
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: its purpose is to find hats
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: True
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: but its pretty gay
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: from everyone elses standpoint
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: If it was a regular search
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: okay.
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: no problemo yo
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: well it has other uses as well
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: but he keeps private lists of some noobs with exceedingly good unusuals
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: gay ones
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: sure
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: okay
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: that serial killer
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: he mightve killed like 40 babies
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: but he donated to cancer research
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: so its okay
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: right?
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: but you arent looking at the start of the problem only the product'
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: the start of the problem is that nigger got into valves database
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: made a sharking tool
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: and charged 10 dollars a month to use it
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: drunken f00l did it first
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: he didnt make it shark tool
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: go bitch at him
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: a tool is not specific
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: and he didnt access valves database
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: its how the user uses it
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: No
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: The tool is made to shark
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: You know that Blackened removed hours originally
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: right
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: you can argue anything is made to shark
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: then when
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: people unsubbed
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: and complained
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: he put it back in
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: interesting aint it?
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: purly buisness gotta give what the ppl want
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: those people were sharks
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: okay
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: so
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: if you sell products
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: and then you make a change to the product
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: so that people in jail find it less useful
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: say you sell knives
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: and you make the knives less pointy
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: so they arent able to stab people
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: and then all the prisoners and serial killers complain
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: lol you are going off into all the sourceop annologies
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: do you change the knife back to being pointy?
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: no, im making this one up
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: on the fly
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: point is he is running a buisness
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: You don't give criminals what they want
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: A shady business
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: gotta cater to the ppl
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: and people can protest shady businesses
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: so is corporate america
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: if the people are criminals
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: you dont cater to them
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: so is steamrep
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: You tell them to suck a dick
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: so is sourceop
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: and save your god damn reputation
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: and not get raped by the community for being an asshole
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: Blackened cant defend himself
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker btw trading is trading for what you want even if it involves cash
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: 17 pages and all his arguements, if they can be called that, have been shot down, crash landed into the water, then nuked and fired upon by helicopters
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: numerous people calling him out
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: people realizing what a shitty community he runs
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: lol
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: you know mudguts threatened to ban me for standing to close to his spycrab?
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: and MrKill actually DID ban me when i beat him in MGE?
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: you arent supposed to mess with ppl when they do that
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: i wasnt
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: fact of the matter you are following the people who wont look at the bigger corruption in the community and just following the lies you hear just look at the corruption of steamrep and sourceop before you go after pure ethics
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: I was standing kind of close
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: lol, no
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: SOP is not tf2-trader
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: sop is not UTC
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: SOP is not GHS
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: SOP is steamrep thats the fact
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: Nope.
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: they are just about one in the same
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: most of the community dislikes steamrep lol
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: then why do they follow their every word?
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: they dont.
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: They banned Blaster
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: then why am i banned?
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: Blaster wasnt marked
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: because you're a shark...
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: no offense dude
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: lolno
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: but its true
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: lol
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: they didnt ban sharks
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: they banned a few
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: fact of the matter is they believe the authority of steamrep when they cant provide any proof
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: they believe their word is law
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: and you arent going after the 'shark tools' that came before either so kinda going to end up like the knoy2012 guy looking like a fool with your pants on the ground ...
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: Dude
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: there are no other shark tools
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: there are no other searches with hours functions
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: gibhatspls
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: or if unboxed functions
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: gibunusualspls
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: yea there is lol
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker: you can use anything that searches backpacks as a sharking tool
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: do they have
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: if unboxed
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: and hours
    Petey Greene #Blackened 2012: functions
    -=GHS_CO=- Slacker is now Away.

    Slacker... I love you, but dude... You cant defend him. The redundancy burns

    EDIT also

  5. #25
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    bonkza, rattles, and Xrayzz Proz Vangsted [DK] are his alt accounts he sharks and moves unusuals around on

    karnivore was in on it. dave mct was in on it. mudguts was in on it.
    Just to mention, I think the whole alt stuff on the original thread is really confused. The ownership bouncing back and forth isn't enough to accuse someone of being an alt.

    For example, I can confirm that I chatted voice (and use other annoying alt-detection tricks) to confirm what most people who know them know, that bonkza and blaster aren't alts. I suspect those others aren't either.

    That's a lot of spycrab-related item history, but as far as I can tell you're not catching any alts in that analysis of tf2items history.

  6. #26
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    bonkza, rattles, and Xrayzz Proz Vangsted [DK] are his alt accounts he sharks and moves unusuals around on

    karnivore was in on it. dave mct was in on it. mudguts was in on it.
    bonkza is in canada..

    stop going full retard

  7. #27
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    I love these threads.
    Thanks SOP, you never dissapoint. You're all idiots

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChaosGoW
    I love these threads.
    Thanks SOP, you never dissapoint. You're all idiots

  9. #29
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    Done some digging on guys might want to see this.
    We all know Blackened bought his steaming KE on March 3rd, seen here:

    But what you didn't see was a lot of prodigy's unusuals ended up in Blackened's backpack at EXACTLY THE SAME TIME for 45 minutes.

    ....and basing this on what Rob said, Blackened "bought" that burning ballcap for $600 off prodigy......yet days before....he ended up with nearly all prodigy's unusuals for a small period of time. I've found items that are frequently traded between blackened, blaster and prodigy. Blackened. You've got a hell of a lot to answer for.

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    still want us to keep digging?

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