Figured I'd start the thread cuz I have no life and can update this at any time. If you have any corrections or opinions to add, I'll change it as you reply. I'm going to be very blunt about who I think is the best team and I hope I don't offend anyone. Just kidding I don't care GTH. It seems like people are leaning toward Highlander (awesome) and I would like the very best team representing us.![]()
Current Participants:
H2O Schwarz
H2O GetThere1Time
H2O Schwarz
pHd | Half_Duplex
[AiF] .[A]vy
H2O GetThere1Time
H2O Krylon
Dr. Bumpy
[AiF] .[A]vy
H2O Goose
pHd | Zerogeist
[AiF] .[A]vy
H2O Goose
Dr. Bumpy
Any class:
Adder (except sniper)
[LiTi-4] Versed
Hell-Met (?)
H2O Sergeant Balls
Isuxdix (except spy and pyro)
No Idea:
Current Best Team (highlander)
Scout - H2O Schwarz
Demo - pHd | Half_Duplex
Soldier - H2O Krylon
Heavy - pHd | iamTHEBOOKIE
Engie - Adder
Sniper - H2O Goose
Pyro - Dr. Bumpy
Spy - ?
Medic - pHd | Zerogeist
Dream Team (highlander)
Scout - Mr. Crow
Demo - Mr. Boo (Should be joining soon)
Soldier - Feanor
Heavy - JumpInTheFire
Engie - `yay
Sniper - Goose
Pyro - Flyz
Spy - Big Chief (Don't think he really plays too much anymore.)
Medic - Whitefox (Should be joining soon)
Actually only seen Feanor and Krylon play at the same time once so it's hard to judge, but I thought I saw Feanor playing better at least that one time. Either would obviously destroy. Mr. Boo and Half_Duplex both destroy but, likewise, I've only seen them play together once. Thought Boo edged him out or maybe Duplex wasn't high at the time, who knows. I don't know about crow vs schwarz but I know Crow is something to be feared as a tiny scout. Heavy is a hard class to judge as it's hit or miss depending on if you have a medic and your competition. Jumpinthefire is number 1 now and he plays a ton of heavy. Engie is another tough one since I don't pay attention to them often. I believe I have seen `yay and Adder at the top of the score board as engie before so IDK. Goose, I believe, is the most consistently amazing sniper I've seen, while others have there good and bad days. I recently faced Spork and he was amazing, but haven't played enough with him to really compare him as a sniper. Flyz the best at w+m1. Big Chief seems like the obvious choice for spy but he's doesn't play too much anymore. No other names really pop out as being an amazing spy though. I think most of us can play a damn good medic, but I've seen Whitefox beat out me and President Logan in points and overall medic ability.
I do a lot of comparing while playing and this is just my opinion on what I've seen on the server when I see the best players playing each other. Don't know if Mr. Crow, JumpInTheFire, 'yay, or Flyz know about or want to participate in the tourney though. Now I assume there will be a method of letting everyone play that wishes to play which is fine (I wanna play too) but I think there should be a method of having the best a server has to offer compete with each other (I would love to watch this actually)AND eventually have everyone be able to play, but I'm sure that will be figured out in the other thread. This is about team composition... discuss!