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Which of the other admins do you guys have issues with and what's the issue?
I don't care either way but i'm curious to know
Judging by the chat log, it seems as though they all knew weeks in advance and were using the search to shark (Just basing off what the chat says). Also, I don't know any of them personally, but anybody that actually tolerates what BLACKENED has been so obviously doing the past few months is about as guilty of it as he is I'd say. I'm sure one or two of them may be good guys, but I mean cmon now. It doesn't take much to realize "Hey, I'm an admin of a big community, we're doing really shady and douchey things, I don't feel comfortable being in charge of this anymore" or to simply call out the guy on his bullshit. It seems like they're all playing slap-ass with each other and having a good ole time though. Especially with the ones that came to his aid in the first thread about his unusual search. That's just the way I see it.
This, is gold.