I'm in for valve maps #2 too
The ACTUAL Wolf... not whatever noob got my name before I signed up
I'm in for valve maps #2 too
The ACTUAL Wolf... not whatever noob got my name before I signed up
SourceOP.com Team Fortress 2 [VALVE MAPS] [NO MODS]
I don't have the mad skills, nor any competitive play experience, but I'm willing to be an alternate. Otherwise stick me in where you need someone.
*Participation dependent on schedule.
Valve maps #2 for me!Mrs. btw, not sure about Mr. Username atm.
Sign me up for the Goldrush server team!
add Mailman[KiS] to goldrush
this is Jesse from the 24/7 goldrush, add -=pooC=- Jesse!
(ideas for my goldrush members
also we need some ideas for tags when we play, for all of us to run with a current name, like
-=pooC=- GR24/7 Jesse!
-=pooC=- GR24/7 FrosT
[Cow-Rush 24/7] FrosT
[Cow-Rush 24/7] Weezy
{Everyone Kill} GoldRush Weezy
{Everyone Kill} GoldRush Jesse!
Zalfy @ GOLDRUSH24/7 @ HYELP
or maybe even just have our original tags with something like
-=pooC=- Jesse! [GR24/7]
[Cow-Lie] FrosT [GR24/7]
-=pooC=- Jesse! [GoldRush]
[Cow-Lie] FrosT [GoldRush]
just a thought....
more like [SOTS] FrosT
Updated, sorry wasnt around this weekend
I like SOTS, very fitting. At least for the goldrush server.
Please move me to valve maps #2 =p Wieks is already calling me a stacker.Originally Posted by jwstohr