sign me up for no mods no BS, or just combine the two 2forts
sign me up for no mods no BS, or just combine the two 2forts
Changes made. Go ahead and round up who you can, Shankstah. If all else fails we can combine 2fort with valve 2 to make a mixed team or distribute you guys where you're need. All you'd really need, however, is 4 other guys to play the classes you'd want to put on a 6 man team, but more the merrier, of course.
i tried getting people going on the other servers and rounding some people up
but since i dont play with them ever, they dont really believe me
I completely destroyed the entire enemy team, while discussing politics and talking mad amounts of shit... the enemy team rage quit and nobody came -_-
#2 has interested ppl, they are just not all signing up here yet. Also, some are interested but not sure if they can commit when no dates are set yet. For example, Mr and Mrs Username are interested but their participation will be dependent on their schedules and what kind of dates we set.
There are some others on my list the same way- showing interest but not able to totally commit yet.
i saw zerogiest got an invite to the sourceop match group but I didn't... wtf
I sent you oneOriginally Posted by IamTHEBOOKIE
In fact, I think I sent yours first because you came first on my friends list order lol
will resend (also I think anyone in group can invite) TF2 [VALVE MAPS #2] [NO MODS] - jwstohr
O so that's where you went.