Drop me on their Frosty.
technically, im pHd | Zerogeist now. good job with the list!
If you mean you want a Steam group for tourney participants, to help send notices, etc, then I could start one. What do we want to call it?Originally Posted by getthere1tme
Omega, I agree with what you said about organizing the friends list. I have friends from different servers and even those from different games and it would be cool if you could organize them into groups like: TF2, CSS, SOP, etc. Maybe one day...
I'm down to play for the goldrushers if theres room. :P
Yeah IP, that's the idea. As far as room is concerned, there's no limit. This is just a list to gauge interest. People can then form teams themselves and I'll organize that information later. Right now, this is good to just see how many people want to play.
It'll be cool if we can get at least 16 from each server to play against each other. The best 16 who are interested versus the other best 16.
i think we're still missing quite a bit from goldrush
[QS] Bill Steed
Zalfy @ HYELP
Added, nice turn out from Gold Rush. Redneck, the big problem with big teams is getting everyone to be on at once and organized. 16v16 would be hell to get on all at once. 12v12 is still kind of a stretch. Highlander, 8v8, and, 6v6 seem like the most reasonable options.
6v6 would be the most competitive and skill based since it highly emphasizes teamwork and the skill of individual players. And 6v6 is how most competitive TF2 is played. I love competitive TF2 but it's kind of a small community so given the opportunity I'd like to spread the love of the format. 9v9 highlander would be the best for a fun and silliness factor. 8v8 is kind of floating in the middle.
I was making up a tourn bracket for all different teams from 4 servers but from the looks of it, it's just going to be Valve Maps #1 vs 24/7 Gold Rush right now. Also, we really haven't decided on team size yet
i want a lot of people involved, not just sit out for backup
if we do highlander, i think it would be very possible for each server to host multiple teams. (right now i think goldrush alone can almost fill 3 highlander teams)
crazy turnout from goldrush
i still have a few people that might be interested
while ur at it, add Skoby to goldrush
and remove one of the bankai's