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Originally Posted by
Assumption based on forum posts about someone's personal life because Oiyatat cannot argue with someone without resorting to personal attacks.
See I love this thread, because I can just quote the points you have ignored. You people would rather throw shit like a bunch of apes, rather than try for anything remotely resembling a proper argument. "This guy sais mean things about me, TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL U GAY GET A LIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111".
Notice, even though you constantly attack us as people, we only talk about your idiotic posting tendencies. I think we should make a growth chart. That way we can accurately measure your maturity sinking as you grasp for more straws in the cesspool that is the clichéd Internet arguments.
Though by technical definition this is not an argument unless you are trying to persuade others into hating us for your own ill-contrived purposes.
Originally Posted by
There's a difference between pointing out flaws in someone's posts, and just baselessly insulting them. Here's a example; Calling someone gay because of their opinions is a baseless insult. Calling someone an idiot because they butcher the English language at a third grade level is not.
You, like many other people have a contrived definition of the term troll, which is far from correct; And at the same time, you are likely to label anyone who disagrees with you, your or sais something bad about you, as a troll.
I was a commando you know.