So you admit to trolling and then tell us you we're just trolling? Or you weren't trolling but somehow we were when you were the one posting nothing but logical fallacies and baseless insults?

Everything you just posted is so contradictory... Trolling consists of logical fallacies which you have a monopoly on here, nowhere did I ever use a meme, you haven't 'baited' anybody unless you were fishing for us to point out how stupid you sound, which proves nothing. Why would you need to chill now if you haven't been upset before?

I mean all I've been doing is pointing out what is wrong about what you're saying about me while you attack me directly at every turn and somehow I'm some sort of bully?

And I mean seriously go back and look at it, I've been sticking to the topic and directly addressing what he is saying (which consists 100% of insults) the bulk of his replies are wrong assumptions about me (HE CALLED ME GAY FOR THE 8TH TIME OH NO).

The worst part is people seem to find the need to 'defend' somebody who's heralded nothing but belligerence from somebody who was simply standing out against his ignorance. I invite you to quote where I've somehow been 'trolling' and logically explain how I've directly insulted him, or anybody, without merit.

Quote Originally Posted by reaper0268wtf
Same for you OZA. You came after me.
That made me laugh.

I highly suggest you just stop embarrassing yourself and go back to steam-powered forums where shitposting is the benchmark.