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Thread: This Sucks Ass

  1. #41
    serialjoe's Avatar

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    your really have no life, or are logical, where do u see my english is bad, and this is the flamebucket and internet btw, ur facts are wrong, and u have no life, seriously, if u had a life ud spend less time arguing about pointless shit on the flamebucket and maybe go do something constructive, enought said

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by serialjoe
    where do u see my english is bad
    I was going to edit your post, and provide you with examples. But it would be far too much effort for something you cannot fix in a couple of minutes. I suggest consulting with an English teacher, because your grasp on the language really is, horrendous. That is advice, not me flaming you. It is genuinely difficult to understand what point you are trying to convey at times.
    I was a commando you know.

  3. #43
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    bottom line, u reply to everypost, like its ur duty, its surprising u dont get paid for this, cuz u prob be rich by now with 2000+ shitposts, i have nothing left to say as u twist it, and try to use what people write as a weapon, u obviously fail at logical thinking, and proper posting, it will never end, because ur a shitposter, and ur like a bad virus, even if we try to blast u, u keep on coming back, stronger and shittier than before, u should change ur nick to viral poster instead of snarf, cuz snarf from thundercats actually deserves my respect, unlike you

  4. #44
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    -butane snip-
    Thank you womb.
    The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.

  5. #45
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    ITT: Grammar Nazi's

  6. #46
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    Here is my view on Snarf and the other cockhead trollers that exist in this world.
    You are a very little person, with a very little brain, and a very little penis, therefore, you sit on your computer, stroking your pinny, and deciding the only way to get hard is to find some people who are honest, trying to rage, but not at other people or just normal people mucking around on a forum and decide to be a complete and utter douche to them.
    Please if this gets ur dickhard, I feel very sorry for you.
    Is this what you do when your mom comes home? MOMMY I WAS TROLLING PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET AND I MADE THEM MAD
    Here is a suggestion, get a life, get a job, maybe get a family, instead of sitting in front of your computers all day and having a wank cause u made someone who is not a cockhead mad/annoyed.
    Also, how can you complain that we are annoying you guys, when you are the kings of shitposting, and the kings of trolling.

  7. #47
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    What if you have a job and a life, and still troll? LOOPHOLE.

  8. #48
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    What about the people who construct elaborate fantasy worlds around people they don't know?

    Because it seems to me that you've taken everything I've said in some awkward and forced context based on the person you've told yourself I was.

    I can confidently say none of the assumptions you've made about me, or any of the people here that I know personally, have been even remotely accurate.

    And why would these things be true? They aren't based in reality, they're based in some modern defense mechanism that tells you that if somebody is somehow lesser than you then what they say is somehow less relevant.

    Now look at the thread. When I confronted Reaper, instead of directing his attention at the argument, he directed his attention to me and attempted to defame my character with pure ignorance.

    What's more interesting are your choices in insults. It's 2012 and you both feel that it's relevant to challenge someone's masculinity? I'm not going to judge either of you, but it really sends out a strong message.

    Quote Originally Posted by Deus35Crasher
    What if you have a job and a life, and still troll? LOOPHOLE.
    Not really a loophole, because it's probably the case with most 'troll's (I use this term loosely because people seem to think that anybody being sarcastic, or even telling a joke altogether, is trolling). Don't tell these people that, though, it would shatter their glass house, and then where would they hurl stones from?

  9. #49
    serialjoe's Avatar

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    bottom line here i people are using insults that arent relevant or logical, and the subjects being derailed as always, i think everyone here should get a life, lol,

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by oiyatat
    Assumption based on forum posts about someone's personal life because Oiyatat cannot argue with someone without resorting to personal attacks.
    See I love this thread, because I can just quote the points you have ignored. You people would rather throw shit like a bunch of apes, rather than try for anything remotely resembling a proper argument. "This guy sais mean things about me, TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL U GAY GET A LIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111".
    Notice, even though you constantly attack us as people, we only talk about your idiotic posting tendencies. I think we should make a growth chart. That way we can accurately measure your maturity sinking as you grasp for more straws in the cesspool that is the clichéd Internet arguments.
    Though by technical definition this is not an argument unless you are trying to persuade others into hating us for your own ill-contrived purposes.
    Quote Originally Posted by Snarf
    There's a difference between pointing out flaws in someone's posts, and just baselessly insulting them. Here's a example; Calling someone gay because of their opinions is a baseless insult. Calling someone an idiot because they butcher the English language at a third grade level is not.
    You, like many other people have a contrived definition of the term troll, which is far from correct; And at the same time, you are likely to label anyone who disagrees with you, your or sais something bad about you, as a troll.
    I was a commando you know.

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