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Originally Posted by
^^^^ all three pretty much the same thing.
Everything you've said is objectively wrong. A baseless assertion is something made up off of the top of your head. An uneducated opinion isn't baseless, just misguided. Finally, an ad-hominem assertion, while it can be baseless and uneducated (in this case both) is simply an insult. None of these things are mutually synonymous as you claim, and they don't even constitute redundancy because they were referring to different pieces of your post.
"Really, though." is a grammatic transition, and as such correctly constitutes not needing to be a complete sentence, whilst still being grammatically correct. It wasn't meant to confuse, but I'm sorry that you seemed to be confused by it. Furthermore, you can't even talk shit about me going to college there, because that's taught in 5th grade English literature.
Originally Posted by
you're wit is nonexistant
Oldest one in the book.