lol people still care about hats
lol people still care about hats
in my opinion flies are alright, but look great in double or triple combo, besides that there nothing special, but i agree there better than fetti anyday, 2cents holmes
Beak and grimm, totally understand getting high offers on them. But why anyone would offer stupidly high promo or unusual offers on a perfectly average fly hat I don't get. Only collectors, and people who have them for sale value at inbred prices. There is NO WAY flies should EVER be valued more than plasma, (imo shouldnt be valued more than peace but w/e) unless there is some kinda theme going on. I'm sure there are fetti collectors out there, they dont go claiming there average hat with fetti is worth 2-3 buds because there might be 10 other dudes who collect fetti and might pay that price.Originally Posted by SatanicPsycho
Modest is all class and not a tall hat, shows the effect well, that's why its liked, pretty damn simple. Tc I don't get why it's high tier but it is what it is.
Originally Posted by SatanicPsycho
You seem to be missing a very simple fact, that regardless of whatever buyout you put, on *insert whatever the fuck hat/effect you want* it's only actually worth, what someone else is willing to pay.
Regardless of how much you disagree with the high values of certain flies, it's not stopping people offering well and paying well for them.
There are MANY flies that have always sold for equal to, or more than their plasma equiv... it's just the way it's always been for good hats with flies.
Regardless of what YOU personally think of the effect (which you're entiltied too, in which I'm entitiled to strongly disagree with your valuation on your DUPED smoking modest - 5 buds... lol) there will always be people who will prefer flies over any other effect, and will offer accordingly, for something they want.
Originally Posted by SatanicPsycho
Starters, only found out modest was duped today, still getting 4bud offers regardless, and it's a fair b/o imo, but w/e.
Anyway, this has gone completely away from what I was talking about originally, flies is a hardly noticable effect, people overprice the fuck out of there not at all themed fly hats, and it shits me, that was my point.
I had the pleasure of selling a flies tc about a month ago, got about 11 in unusuals, plasma tc's go for more than that so your high-tier unusuals with flies goes for more than plasma theory.
you're talking in TC's here...those things are insanely overpriced, but nonetheless, plasma TC's are quite rare, so they're worth more.Originally Posted by hodos69
10/10 for hodos, for not letting fact and reasonable debare get in the way of his quest to make himself look fantastically moronic.
I used to own the burning collection that can be seen in my signature. I sold it all and bought a flies collection recently.
Personally I think the effect is awesome. It's subtle, not glaring and out of place like scorching. But it also looks great.
Also its affordable, you can get most of your favorite hats with flies at little cost.
Recently I sold the flies hats due to cashing out of tf2 for a bit.
I didn't have to list any crazy buyouts. People just offered fairly and in some cases they offered more than I was expecting.