Someone sounds butt hurt...
FWIW, I've never but a b/o on my flies, hell, I don't even have them up for trade... doesn't stop people leaving offers, or adding me to offer on them.
Including several, as you'd put it "stupid" offers on them... including 2 very recent high pure bud offers on my mercy, not to mention the offers I get on my beak, grimm, stash and other assorted flies
Rage all you want, flies is a popular effect, and liked by many, and collected by quite a few, especially more recently, for some unknown reason. Although I shouldn't complain.
I don't understand why people pay, what they do, for burning *insert whatever hat you care to here* Nor do I get why people like the modest, or the team captain, and over pay to hell for them, or put insanely high b/o's on them. However you're not going to find me making a stupid post acting like a little bitch about it