Junior Member
76561197992829835 Steam join date: Sep 25, 2007
Steam Level: 20
Profile Status:
+Rep on Profile Page
Oh this dumb shit just irritates the shit out of me. I hate asking people if they have a rep thread and they're like yeah, look at my profile. At first, I expected to find a link to a sourceop thread or something similar. Instead ofcourse is a few comments noting how "great" a trader is and how "nice" he is. Then one guy got mad at me for refusing to sell him buds saying he had more than enough "rep"
Let me just say it as clearly as I can profile page comments are not rep because you can just delete bad rep. Period, end of story. I learned this a bit earlier because I had put a -rep on someone's profile, forgetting ofcourse that you can just go in and delete any comment you want. Later, guy re adds me and sayin bunch of garbage and i double check the profile and sure enough the comment is gone.
Oh and I hate this new trend of people asking you to give them +rep on their profile page after a regular trade. No, you're not gonna get any rep because we trade 1 refined metal and a strange weapon. Now, more than half the pages I visit have these pseudo- reps on their page and even have the nerve to call themselves trusted sellers. Just cuz you're not a scammer doesn't make you a trusted seller.
Finally, just because you're a donator doesn't make you a trusted middleman. Oh wow you paid 5 bucks in a month to a server you frequent alot. Ok so you're not a deadbeat but that doesn't mean imma let you hold my burning flames merryweather cuz you say "Hey dont worry I wont scam you, promise" How bout you forward me my buyout first then we talk about promises......