Name your top 5 favorite movies in order please.... Also don't make of my number 1 because I was a big big band geek from high school.
5. An Evening with Kevin Smith (Part 1)
4. Fifth Element
3. Contact
2. Road to Perdition
1. Mr. Hollands Opus
Name your top 5 favorite movies in order please.... Also don't make of my number 1 because I was a big big band geek from high school.
5. An Evening with Kevin Smith (Part 1)
4. Fifth Element
3. Contact
2. Road to Perdition
1. Mr. Hollands Opus
this was tough.. i don't like a lot of movies.
5. children of men
4. shaun of the dead
3. sunshine
2. pan's labyrinth
1. star wars ep iv, v, and vi
1.Pulp Fiction
2.Die Hard
3.The Departed
5.Titan AE
1. American Psycho
2. Citizen Kain
3. Amadeus
4. Fight Club
5. Lawrence of Arabia
5) Boondock Saints
4) Big Fish
3) Fight Club
2) Slingblade
1) Scarface/Shawshank Redemption/The Rocky Horror Picture Show/Blade Runner
yeah yeah, I know it's 8 but... I don't care. O.o
that's alright, mine is technically 8 too
Boondock Saints
Super Troopers
Space Balls
I can't really think of a 5th. Not to say there aren't lots of movies I enjoy, it's quite the opposite. I just can't pick a 5th and say - thats it.
I've seen Boondock Saints for the first time two weeks ago. Was amazing. I want that mini-shotty.
I don't think I've even seen enough movies to actually make a top5.
This is so easy for me to answer since I watch these movies all the time.
Listed in order of most favorite.
#1) Beetlejuice
#2) Fight Club
#3) Scarface
#4) Batman (1989)
#5) Casino
Other movies I like:
The "Saw" Movies
American History X
Blood In Blood Out
Nearly All Tim Burton Films
donnie darko