i think at the very least, it would turn people off participating to know that it was okay for stacked medic+demo teams
i think at the very least, it would turn people off participating to know that it was okay for stacked medic+demo teams
but the tourneys are for all regulars anyway, who won't mind a team scramble every round (because that is something we will need)
Also, if it bothers people that much than people should have the common courtesy to not do it.
Remember that we aren't playing against random idiots here, these are people we generally know.
i think the standard class restriction of 2 of each except 1 demo 1 medic is pretty good, if our teams are really small.
basically the only cap i think is necessary is demo, cuz if u have more medics, ur losing considerable firepower.
i dunno how to build tourny brackets, so that'll be up to u guys.
DF, is there a way to do a thread in the sourceop steam group?
I am up for it, with the assumption that I can be on the heavily stacked team.
Im a goldrush Regular, and I approve this messageOriginally Posted by insomniaprincess
Sounds like a lot of fun! Go goldrush server!
I'm totally down. Heres my input.
Each server gets together with whose ever is willing within the server (1 server per person, people decide which server they want to try) and makes the list of willing participants.Then either a draft or a try out ensue which determine starters and backups.
We should start this off with just a simple tournament to see if the whole idea is even viable. And a tourney will probably create some rivalry which will fuel more matches.
Saturday night is fine. How late though?
2 of each class would be legit. But i mean it gets rid of the ALL scout final round desperate blitzkreig finale strategy i was coming up with....j/k
I'm fairly willing to help out. So I'll keep up with this thread and see what can be done.
Couple more names that are in
Zalfy @ HYELP
couple names that are pending:
{Everyone Kill} Weezy
[92B] Simo
Oh noes! We got Bufus and Sups on the forums!
thanks guys, glad you're in (and the rest of ya, too)