I've had several max heads in the last 2 weeks and they've been borderline impossible to move for more than 60 dollars. Why do idiots on outpost still think their max heads are worth 2, 2.5, or even 3 buds?
I've had several max heads in the last 2 weeks and they've been borderline impossible to move for more than 60 dollars. Why do idiots on outpost still think their max heads are worth 2, 2.5, or even 3 buds?
Because they don't want to support Bud inflation.
Because the max belongs to them and they can price it at whatever price they chose. If you don't like it, don't buy it. I'm sure when no one offers what they are asking, the price will drop. Don't see why you are soo upset over the price people place on their items.
its funny because maxs do go for 2.
duped ones go for less ofcourse