Hi, my name is James and I want to warn Steam users about the dangers of getting their accounts hijacked. Steam’s customer support is a fickle thing, and some anti-customer policies can seriously damage a user’s account if the user does not actively protect it. In the pastebin link below, I detail some ways to strongly safeguard against this occurrence, as well as tell my story about Steam Support and just how poorly they can handle a situation.
Here are the links to the text:
Link to article (plain text): http://pastebin.com/ciiyLJ1N
Link to text from Steam Support ticket: http://pastebin.com/vVESNMmH
I sent this story to every video games news site that I could find. None of them picked it up to educate users or bring Steam to task for their behavior. It is disappointing. I hope going to individual forums will help spread the word more effectively.
I am going to create an entry in Steam’s Wikipedia page about these types of occurrences as well. Feel free to add stories or comments that would be helpful to the topic of Steam criticisms.