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Thread: best sold/hvy weps on 2fort, 24 players, goal: frag freq.

  1. #1
    Helicobacter's Avatar

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    best sold/hvy weps on 2fort, 24 players, goal: frag freq.

    If you just want to collect frags on 2fort as fast as possible, what the best loadout for soldier/heavy?

    I say:
    black box, gunboats, equalizer
    tomislav, sandwich, gru

    for soldier i dont know if its better to use regular RL, but i think blackbox is stronger in action...+15 hp/hit is way more helpful than one additional rocket at start (i mean you dont fully releoad the RL fully anyway in the middle of the battle)

    for heavy, im not sure if minigun is better, i mean 20% less DPS is signficant...but i really enjoy the faster spin up time...

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    It doesn't matter. The primary doesn't matter. Any heavy not using the sandvich and warriors spirit is babies.

    Though Hoovy v. Hoovy, it really doesn't matter if one has a pocket and the other doesn't. In my experience on 2Fort, with or without a pocket, I can be the top killing hoovy on the server just using my fists. Like man, not tiny little baby.
    Using the fists alows you do play differently enough to 1. confuse the other team and 2. surprise them. Demo throws stickies at your feet running backwards from you? Run towards the stickies and crouch jump. He just kindly helped you by sticky jumping you right to him. Many more examples of the power of the bush heavy exist.
    But to the topic? Tommy Gruvich used to be powerful before the sandvich nerf that hurt all hoovies. Standard mini rules all otherwise. If you want to be little baby man with boolets, too scared to use fists like man.

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    wtf is a bootlet and a pocket?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Helicobacter
    wtf is a bootlet and a pocket?
    Boolet - things sasha shoots.
    Pocket -

    Basically I'm saying that if you're not a melee heavy on 2Fort, you're doing it wrong.

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    i still dont get what a boolet is

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    Butane to the rescue.

    As for Soldier (which I didnt even see as soon as I saw 'Heavy' and '2Fort' in the same sentence) - never black box if you're talking making 2Fort TDM if there's even the slightest chance you're going to have a medic on you. And never gunboats. Liberty/One of the shotty's/Objector or Rocket/Buff/Objector. That's really the only two loadouts that make sense if you're not man like hoovy with warriors spirit.

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    i disagree with every single loadout permutation you mentioned (which is to be expected when arguing against someone who claims a heavy melee is the way to go when you want frags as fast as possible):

    1. liberty is clearly inferior to black box: i can recall countless examples where the black box saved my life and i can only recall a few moments where the increased rocket speed of the liberty actually got me a frag that i wouldnt have gotten otherwise
    2. i stated the objective is about making as many frags in a short timespan as possible...thats an egocentric goal and you dont care about your teammates in this assumption: the buff banner therefore is dominated by the shotty already.
    3. objector? the equalizer is somewhat of a degreaser/ that it becomes the new must have default is superior in all aspects: when youre hurt, you just speed up to your health buckets OR you go allin and b1tch slap enemies from behind - win/win--...clear opposed to regular melee.
    4. regular rocket launcher is inferior even when youre being healed: once you shot the 4 rockets (IF you have them all reloaded at uber time), you are in exactly the same shoes as with black box (without the health boost)
    5. gunboats are perfect for 2fort: you can jump on brudge, battlements, fork entry jumpup to hayroom-backroom etc. with minimal dmg....
    but youre the pyro's b1atch unfortunately...unless she uses the philosiraptor

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    When I play on 2Fort, I normally use these as my loadouts for both

    -RL/Direct Hit
    -Gunboats/Buff Banner


  10. #10
    TheDopp's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Helicobacter
    i disagree with every single loadout permutation you mentioned (which is to be expected when arguing against someone who claims a heavy melee is the way to go when you want frags as fast as possible):

    1. liberty is clearly inferior to black box: i can recall countless examples where the black box saved my life and i can only recall a few moments where the increased rocket speed of the liberty actually got me a frag that i wouldnt have gotten otherwise
    2. i stated the objective is about making as many frags in a short timespan as possible...thats an egocentric goal and you dont care about your teammates in this assumption: the buff banner therefore is dominated by the shotty already.
    3. objector? the equalizer is somewhat of a degreaser/ that it becomes the new must have default is superior in all aspects: when youre hurt, you just speed up to your health buckets OR you go allin and b1tch slap enemies from behind - win/win--...clear opposed to regular melee.
    4. regular rocket launcher is inferior even when youre being healed: once you shot the 4 rockets (IF you have them all reloaded at uber time), you are in exactly the same shoes as with black box (without the health boost)
    5. gunboats are perfect for 2fort: you can jump on brudge, battlements, fork entry jumpup to hayroom-backroom etc. with minimal dmg....
    but youre the pyro's b1atch unfortunately...unless she uses the philosiraptor
    1. The health bonuses are useless/pointless if you have a medic. The speed bonus with the LL lets you corner snipe players like you can do to sentries with the DH (or heads with a Huntsman). The LL is also a heck of a lot harder for Pyro's to deal with. The health bonus of the BB only makes sense if 1. you're never ever going to be kritz'd, 2. have a backup secondary that isn't useless and 3. have a melee that isn't harmed by the health gains that the black box provides. There can, and will be situations where you don't have a medic and run out of ammo with the BB. Because of the health gains, the equalizer will be weaker than a stock melee (I chose the objector because most players for some reason think it has a wider range than say the shovel, and tend to panic against it).
    2.It provides mini-crits, which help your team get you kills by weakening the players so you can one-rocket kill them. Also, it gives you mini crits, upping the damage quotient. If you're running the original launcher, your fourth rocket is why it makes sense to carry it.
    3. See point 1, but also: if you have a medic pocketing you, you're silly for using it since it makes them useless (maybe as a distraction in your weird scenario, which I suppose is good) and keeps you weak in a fight. And since you didn't specify insta-spawn or not (assuming not) that's 20 seconds of not killing things when you end up dying from thinking low health=good melee=good thing. As someone who melee's often (w+m1 sniper is one of my favorites) I always laugh when an equalizer solly thinks it gives them the advantage until they die from one hit and their medic runs around confused.
    4. Four krockets are better than three. The RL loadout would be with a medic, the LL without, each able to work well if a medic exists/doesn't exist (as the situation demands).
    5. For someone that mentioned DPS, and thinks that three rockets are all you need, I don't know why gunboats would even enter your mind. If you're using the BB you don't need damage reduction in your jumps- just shoot something and get your rocket jumped health back, fire your last rocket, pull out a shotgun and finish the job as required.

    And I never said Heavy was the best for getting frags as fast as possible. Just the best for getting frags as fast as possible on 2fort.

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