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Pricechecked at X quickselling for slightly less. BullF**ken sh!t. Ive traded a long time and I know people will not give away so much as a refined. No way they let 2 buds+ go unclaimed.
On the flip side, "only want God-tier unusuals for 3 buds. Nothing near buyout. Oh please, if someone has a God-tier unusual, no way anyone is gonna stoop to 3 buds for thier p. energy team captain. And sadly, they're always the ones that spam the hardest.
NO unusual offers!!! Ha, its all a lie. Post a flaming merryweather to thier g energy bonnet and see how fast they add you. Works EVERY SINGLE TIME.
I know prices! I've added these people to f around with them. They only know how to overprice thier hat while trying to devalue yours.
As for themed, well I like that one, sometimes people can be creative. Seen a hearts larrkin renamed as Cupid's arrow.