My god this is going to be epic. Do we need to set any ground rules? Because I don't want to hear any excuses...
My god this is going to be epic. Do we need to set any ground rules? Because I don't want to hear any excuses...
We could just both rejoin and get on the same team and see who gets the most points at the end of our time playing we screen cap our scoreboards and post them.
should serve to show who is better and by how much, I'm not bad at demoman so it shouldn't be that far off by my theory.
the only difficulty I can foresee is that team-switch will ruin our game, and if we disconnect it will ruin our entire time...
Yeah. We can't avoid auto balance. And not to mention getting stuck in respawn or map change.
I'm curious to see how good you are with the demoman, I honestly don't ever recall playing with you. This should be fun.
I'd go with this over the beginning. Pyros (sans Backburner ones) have more strategy than Heavies. Medics require more skill than Engineers in knowing how to dodge attacks. Scouts are more luck/skill than strategy.
I am pretty decent, actually. whenever I play on a pub server I climb the scoreboard pretty quick. I usually main Demo, Engineer or Medic.
I suck pretty bad at traps, I usually go combat demo or flak-sticky spam at snipers.
Yeah, playing offensive demo is the greatest. I usually only set up traps at the beginning of rounds, or when our team is getting steam rolled. Then I'll pick a hiding spot, and just set up camp. LoL
engineers require more skill to fight off spies and defend effectively against demomen and soldiers. Medics cling to another character and follow it around. Combat medics require a lot of skill but are worthless in anything but games under 3v3 and arena.
I figured that heavies and pyros are pretty close in strategy, but because you need to carefully select your location when you start firing as a heavy than you really need to think it through. Pyros can easily switch positions mid-offensive takes away a bit of the strategy.
learning how much curve your medigun can handle, at what distance and angle the tube breaks, is an acquired skill. as is body blocking, uber blocking, and generally good positioning.Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
medic is a lot more then just following another toon around, its following another toon around and NOT dieing.
edit: and as you mentioned, learning how to use the curve of the darts and the quick switch to ubersaw to pump the meter and add burst damage... learning how to position doing that against pumping health into another player... its harder then many think, and i think harder then just knowing good sentry placements to play engi.
here, ill fix it for you sillys