Hmm, you got a point there.
But a strategy-using heavy can be one of your deadliest opponent.
Hmm, you got a point there.
But a strategy-using heavy can be one of your deadliest opponent.
Distance and line of sight are the only factors.Originally Posted by Zeitgeist
Also, I think the original picture is mostly accurate. Obviously, everyone will have their own opinion, but I don't think I would move any class more than one cell in eiter direction.
the tube doesn't break immediately when you lose LOS, so you can "dance" between LOS and no LOS while maintaining your heals, but you have to know precisely how long and how far you can stretch that, or it will break
Right, they let you break the beam temporarily to help lag issues. It's a time thing though, not an angle.
misaligned for a reason
LoL Avy, are you saying demo and soldier take more skill to play than spy? Ohhhh boy I am going to be laughing for an hour or two from that one.
you best be trollin, crackaOriginally Posted by avy
No, I was fairly serious... Its kind of hard based on the skill vs strategy thing.
I think spy takes an immense amount of strategy to play correctly but also a healthy dose of luck. (which is why he isn't super high on the skill vertex) I classify a persons skill as a lump category. Including knowledge of terrain, placement of items, STRATEGY for different scenarios, position and class of teammates, etc. All of which are important. But you have to admit, there are times when it all comes down to, "will the heavy turn around?" Spy is the hardest class to master. He IS the "class based fps shooter" version of the game of chess. I am not knocking the masters of the class, we have a clan member who frequents spy and he destroys everyone on a regular basis.
Demo and Soldier are not too high up on the strategy end of things because of what they do. Both are nowadays mainly used for offense but unfortunately ALOT of people use these classes as spambots. The true demos and soldiers, which are easy to spot, use alot of skill. (this skill being used to refer to aim, timing, positioning and opponent control {juggling, rebounding etc} Air shots for soldier, air bursting stickies, bouncing nades off of corners... stuff like that takes skill. Not a ton of strategy involved MOST of the time.
I'm not trolling or flaming, I just have a different perspective. Now that I look at my matrix, I would probably move the spy up to just beneath the scout on the skill vertex but keep him the same strat wise. Either way, he has the most overall between skill and strat.
I'm glad you got a good laugh out of it though... I was going to just move everything around into the most ridiculous positions but I decided to do it seriously.We all know sandvich is the hardest class to play.
yeah in all honesty if i was to do that graph, mine wouldnt be perfect 3 by 3 either avy, id have them floaten all over that board.
I will agree that soldier and demo can be played with high skill level. Take league play as a good example, not to mention watching demos of the masters in progress poppin people 80 feet in the air then blowing them up wile they are up there on a regular basis and what not. But in pug play you don't see that skill come into account very often. Mostly its just spam stickies spam pipes shoot a few rockets at peoples feet all wile you have some medic on you like white on rice.
Its true spy is a luck class more or less because it depends so much on how other people act, react and how your team affects them. But I think that is where the skill also comes in. If you are skilled you learn how people react when something is going on. If you know that you are being chased and spy checked you use that against them. If you know some medic is trying to get greedy and go for an ubersaw kill you use that against them. If a pyro is doing easy mode forward + mouse1 you use that against them. The skill comes from how a spy turns other peoples actions against them. It is rather funny when you know what someone is going to do before they do.